Q: What are the City Hall office hours?
A: Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 12:00pm - 12:30pm)
Q: What are the rates for renting the large room in the Community Center?
A: $100.00 refundable deposit fee plus $200.00 rental fee to rent it for the day.
Q: When are sewer/garbage bills due each month?
A: The deadline to pay your sewer and garbage bills without penalty is the 15th of each month. The deadline to pay with the late fee is the 25th of each month.
Q: What are the dates for the Clarkson Honeyfest?
A: The Honeyfest is held the last Wednesday-Saturday in September each year. For 2022, those dates will be September 27th-30th.
Q: When is garbage collected in Clarkson?
A: Garbage is collected for many City residents each Monday. Residents living along Highways 62, 88, and 224 will have their garbage collected on Tuesdays.
Q: What are the dates for spring clean-up?
A: Spring clean-up for City residents and businesses only typically takes place during the week of spring break for the county school system.
Q: What annual events does the City of Clarkson sponsor?
A: In addition to the Honeyfest, the City hosts an Easter Egg Hunt at the City Park each spring and an annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, among others.
Q: When are Clarkson City Commission meetings held?
A: The Clarkson City Commission meets in regular session on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Redhawk Room of the Clarkson City Hall & Community Center.